Thus, the majority of the Committee of the company happens to be the unions who support and drivers in their fight.
The relationship of forces within the business committee is as follows:
CGT: 8 delegates ACTUB: six delegates, representing an independent (All these were part and supporting the mobilization).
UGT: 5 delegates, CCOO : 5 delegates and SIT : 4 delegates (All these did not support the movement).
During the six months of conflict, both from the Department of TMB and from the Departments of CCOO, UGT and SIT were not tired of repeating that CGT and ACTUB were "minority" in the Committee business, forgetting that their own interests and CGT ACTUB then we were in the majority group of drivers and also decided to mobilize the Assembly and drivers and we supported the Committee of breaks ( where There was and drivers of all affiliated unions or not any). From now on, CGT, ACTUB and Ortiz have become mainstream in all committee business.
This change obviously have repercussions in the current negotiation of collective agreement and will even more firmly on the side of workers to meet the Department's agreement April 15 and reached a good agreement all collective transport in Barcelona.
attach an image with total results and results for garage.
Thanks to all of the workers who Association voted to change the scene and have supported the commitment by the Committee of breaks, and now the Committee for agreement.
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